What do all those letters after my name mean?

Alynn Godfroy - CFP, CEA, CLU, MFA, EPC

  1. CFP - Certified Financial Planner
  2. CEA - Certified Executor Advisor
  3. CLU - Certified Life Underwriter
  4. MFP - Master Financial Advisor
  5. EPC - Elder Planning Counselor


It's absolutely essential for individuals to thoroughly vet the Financial Planners they're thinking of partnering with. In my complimentary video series, I'll summarize the various designations I've secured and detail how each can serve your financial well-being. Godfroy Financial is not just the most trusted but also the most proficient authority on retirement planning in the Windsor/Essex area. I invite you to discover how my expertise can pave the way for a retirement free of worry.


(Disclaimer: The information presented should not be interpreted as financial advice. Please speak with a financial professional)


Do you want a secure retirement?


Take command of your future now by optimizing your retirement for tax efficiency, establishing robust structures for safeguarding your wealth, and crafting a meticulously planned estate strategy.

Navigating the complexities of retirement planning can seem overwhelming, but with Godfroy Financial, you're in capable hands. We're here to help you build the blueprint for a stress-free retirement by giving you the right tools to succeed.


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